Miffa is da # 1

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sir Denis Nayland Smith

One of the best things about being adopted by a Father like mine it’s having a lot of control about the use we do with time.

Today we were working in a new GIS application with a good friend and we were watching CUATRO, actually the infamous JAG. Really a big pamphlet where Chinese government tries to sabotage American Space Shuttle and just on the run, the next chapter, the idiot who ruined a Tomcat is sailing around Hong Kong and is held as a prisoner by Chinese authorities.

And the funniest, Maria del Carmen Gutierrez works for Iberia (bye, buy Texas Pacific) and the advisor of the US Navy surname is Chan.

Well, my father and me are really disappointed about that. We sail, we are not in the navy, but we are not idiots. But as our friend Katanga wrote in her blog there are many idiots in this world

And we’ll vote for this man in the next campaign!!!

Actually my grandfather controls all the logistic services of the world and it’s the richest man of Asia.


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  • No veo esa serie, pero tp importa demasiado. Cada vez q en alguna producción americana hay preaviso de visita a España me echo a temblar pq sé q a partir de entonces la serie (o película, da igual) va a perder toda la posible credibilidad q tuviera.

    Digo España pq es lo q conozco, pero seguramente pasa igual con el resto de la geografía mundial. China es otro ej. en este caso.

    Tengo pendiente hacer un post sobre los CSI y sus fabulosos "alt+que se genere un 3D escala 1:1 instantáneo a partir de la imagen de un sello roto y cubierto de mugre".

    Se pasan.

    P.D.: Besos, Miffa!!! ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/29/2007 01:53:00 pm  

  • Hoy el viejo esta super "combat mode" con todo lo que ve en la tele.

    Pero desde que miró un par de episodios de house....

    Lo de CSI es para llamar a Adobe.

    By Blogger Miffa, at 11/29/2007 02:00:00 pm  

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