Two years ago Mother and Father Bunny went to New York. They had visited it several times before but still they decided to go there to “check how the city was doing”
They did not take me to NYC because I was too little for that trip (Bullshit, what a way to get rid of me). They did not take me to Guatemala on that summer so American continent was missing in my bunny traveller list.
This time I have been “seeding” my father’s mind. As he will say I have made my own campaign to travel NY. I must say that I have had two powerful allies close to me all the times: Chairoko and Kiiroko, my friends from Japan who wanted to visit NYC too.
We must admit that Father Bunny was very patient in a city that he does not like a lot. He took us shopping the first day in one time shopping paradise that was 5th avenue, we visited Empire State, Chrysler Building, Central station, Wall Street and finally we convinced him to go to Boston and Cape Cod.
After ten days there I am a little bit upset, Father Bunny was –in part- right. After being in Tokyo and Beijing NYC has little to offer you and a lot to offend you. May be once in your life you must be there, but that’s it. And I agree with my Father about the worst thing about NYC. I will not write it down here because I do not want to offend anyone but I really share his vision.
We will post some highlights of our travel during this and next week.
They did not take me to NYC because I was too little for that trip (Bullshit, what a way to get rid of me). They did not take me to Guatemala on that summer so American continent was missing in my bunny traveller list.
This time I have been “seeding” my father’s mind. As he will say I have made my own campaign to travel NY. I must say that I have had two powerful allies close to me all the times: Chairoko and Kiiroko, my friends from Japan who wanted to visit NYC too.
We must admit that Father Bunny was very patient in a city that he does not like a lot. He took us shopping the first day in one time shopping paradise that was 5th avenue, we visited Empire State, Chrysler Building, Central station, Wall Street and finally we convinced him to go to Boston and Cape Cod.
After ten days there I am a little bit upset, Father Bunny was –in part- right. After being in Tokyo and Beijing NYC has little to offer you and a lot to offend you. May be once in your life you must be there, but that’s it. And I agree with my Father about the worst thing about NYC. I will not write it down here because I do not want to offend anyone but I really share his vision.
We will post some highlights of our travel during this and next week.
An American icon The Empire State with three bunny culture icons
Meanwhile you can visit our photo album or visit our friends Cafemiffy who took Miffo to the West Coast
Labels: Caffe Miffy, NYC, Travel
Hi Miffa,
It was very nice trip to NYC!!
Kiiroko and Chairoko's clothes are very cute, I'm really jealous of them for having very cute clothes...
Btw, Miffo and I went to SFO. It was great trip for us, too.
CafeMiffy, at 6/05/2007 05:22:00 pm
Dear Cafemiffy,
Miffa is jealous about Miffo being in San Francisco. Last day in NYC she saw your pictures (vol 1) and she wanted to fly there from NYC.
Miffa, Chairoko and Kiiroko spent theirfirst day shopping at 5th avenue.
It was noteasy to find their sizes but finally they made it.
They look very cute with their new t-shirts.
They were in boston and Cape Cod too.
But they were upset about all the trash they saw in NYC. They prefer Tokyo much more.
Anonymous, at 6/05/2007 05:29:00 pm
Es la primera vez q oigo hablar mal de NY... sorpresas te da la vida, ay, Dios, liliriiiii.
P.D.: Hoy sí rula :P
Anonymous, at 6/06/2007 09:47:00 am
Hey, yo solo digo que se hace un poco cansino NYC.
Todo esta lleno de meirda, los precios son abusivos, se come mal.
La primera vez aún, pero las siguientes ya no tiene casi nada que ofrecer.
con cuatro dias o cinco para ver las cuatro cosas ya esta más que bien.
eso si por los hijos lo que sea
Father Bunny, at 6/06/2007 01:28:00 pm
No he estado, no puedo opinar. Y no me quejo de q te quejes, está bien q lo hagas para q dado el caso, la hostia sea menor.
Hace un par de años estuvimos a punto de alquilar un apartamento por 8 ó 10 días. La hubiéramos cagado aún siendo la 1ª vez?
Los hijos... jajajaja, what a morrow!
Anonymous, at 6/06/2007 07:49:00 pm
Cagado, no, para nada.
Yo intente lo del apartamento la penúltima vez y me pedian varios certificados de buena conducta y de vacunación contra la rabia y el moquillo.
Además de pedirme la suma integra del alquiler.
Mi directora Financiera, esa del gorro naranja dijo: Phuc u y acabe en un hotel de mierda.
Esta la directora financiera se gasto la tela y acabamos en un hotel mediocre a precio de mansión inglesa.
Si va a NYC busque Jazz Hostels. No caiga en nuestro error. Casi lo mismo que en Tokyo (Mandarin Oriental y 70 m2) y una mierda.
Estuve dos días de mal humor por el cutre Hotel y por el penoso servicio del mismo.
Es más me acuerdo ahora y me sigo cabreando.
Si vaís 8 o 10 días no dejes de ir a Boston.
La gente hace una cosa que llaman el "triangulo del este" va a Washingtong y Philladelphia.
Totalmente prescindibles pero mejor vete y te creas tu opinión.
eso sí, peciencia y espera que te pregunten un monton de gilipolleces como ¿por qué va tanto vd a China? y ¿donde ha estudiado vd?
Ah, y si la maleta la has hecho tu y si alguién te ha dado algo, si eres espía, vas a los USA a poner un artefacto terrorista, la medida de sombrero, etc.
Father Bunny, at 6/08/2007 04:36:00 pm
Sí, ya me han hablado de esos inteligentes y útiles tests. No he cogido un avión después de q esas absurdas normas traspasaran suelo americano para implantarse en cualquier aeropuerto del mundo y, sinceramente, me frena bastante. Entiendo q si quieres conocer nuevos países no quedan más narices q pasar por el aro, pero tendré q estar muy segura de querer ir a algún sitio antes q pasar por eso y, de momento, no es el caso.
Cambiamos NY por Corfú y el año pasado nos quedamos en Llançà. Este año repetimos. Veremos el q viene.
De todas formas tomo nota de todo lo q explicas. Nunca se sabe ;)
Anonymous, at 6/11/2007 10:22:00 am
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